Friday, October 18, 2019

AI 從頭學(一八):Convolutional Neural Network

AI 從頭學(一八):Convolutional Neural Network


有關 Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) [1],我建議先瞭解一下 BP Algorithm [2],然後再看我寫的兩篇 LeNet 的文章 [3], [4],Goodfellow 的 CNN 並不容易看懂 [5]。雖然之前已經有相關的研究 [6]-[10],但 Yann LeCun 才算開啟現代 CNN 研究的先河 [11]-[15] 。


Fig. Evolution(圖片來源:Pixabay


在 LeNet-5 [13] 之後,CNN 又有持續的演進,更多層,準確率更高,硬體需求也更高。包含2012 AlexNet [16]-[19]、2013 ZFNet [20], [21]、2014 GoogLeNet [22]、2014 VGGNet [23]、2015 ResNet [24]-[28]、2016 DenseNet [29]、2017 SqueezeNet [30] 等等。

以上的CNNs,在 [31] 有簡潔明瞭的介紹,參考圖1。本文以推薦這本書為主要目的,有心於深度學習的讀者,強力建議購買。精華部分也有英文版 [32], [33]。想直接看論文者,我已經幫忙查好了!:)CNN的推進,可以參考圖2。

[31] 的後半部介紹了 R-CNN 系列,R 是 Region 的意思。R-CNN 可以從圖片中選出幾個物體,用框框標示後,加以識別。R-CNN 與時間相關的 RNN 結合後,可以辨識影片中的物體,此項技術可以應用於自駕車!

Fig. 1. 深度學習: Caffe 之經典模型詳解與實戰 [31]。


Fig. 2. Evolution of depth, p. 33, [34].




每個人有其理解世界的方式。Top-down 是先有全觀,再求細部理解。Bottom-up 則是由一堆零組件開始。





[1] Convolutional neural network - Wikipedia

[2] AI從頭學(九):Back Propagation

[3] AI從頭學(一二):LeNet

[4] AI從頭學(一三):LeNet - F6

[5] 9 Convolutional Networks 

◎ 1983 Neocognitron

[6] 1974_A biological approach to pattern recognition

[7] 1975_Cognitron, A self-organizing multilayered neural network

[8] 1982_Neocognitron, A new algorithm for pattern recognition tolerant of deformations and shifts in position

[9] 1983_Neocognitron, a neural network model for a mechanism of visual pattern recognition

[10] 1988_Neocognitron, A hierarchical neural network capable of visual pattern recognition

◎ 1998 LeNet

[11] 1994_Word level training of a handwritten word recognizer base on convolutional neural networks

[12] 1997_Reading checks with multilayer graph transformer networks

[13] 1998_Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition

[14] 2009_What is the best multi-stage architecture for object recognition

[15] 2012_Convolutional neural networks applied to house numbers digit classification

◎ 2012 AlexNet

[16] 2009_Learning multiple layers of features from tiny images

[17] 2012_Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks

◎ Dropout

[18] 2013_Regularization of neural networks using dropconnect

[19] 2014_Dropout, a simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting

◎ 2013 ZFNet

[20] 2013_Stochastic pooling for regularization of deep convolutional neural networks

[21] 2014_Visualizing and understanding convolutional networks

◎ 2014 GoogLeNet

[22] 2015_Going deeper with convolutions

◎ 2014 VGGNet

[23] 2015_Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition

◎ 2015 ResNet

[24] 2015_Deep residual learning for image recognition

[25] 2016_Deep residual learning for image recognition

[26] 2016_Identity mappings in deep residual networks

[27] 2016_Resnet in resnet, Generalizing residual architectures

[28] Torch  Training and investigating Residual Nets

◎ 2016 DenseNet

[29] 2016_Densely connected convolutional networks

◎ 2017_SqueezeNet

[30] 2017_SqueezeNet, AlexNet-level accuracy with 50x fewer parameters and 0.5 MB model size

[31] 書名:深度學習: Caffe 之經典模型詳解與實戰,ISBN:7121301180,作者:樂毅,出版社:電子工業,出版日期:2016-09-30.

[32] The 9 Deep Learning Papers You Need To Know About (Understanding CNNs Part 3)

[33] 9 Key Deep Learning Papers, Explained

[34] Convnets.pdf 

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